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pension fund


Comparative law notes


Although the English term "pension fund" is quite broad in English, it shares the same basic purpose as a Pensionkasse (and indeed all German occupational pension schemes): providing pension benefits to employees. Since the scope and effect of this English concept is somewhat different than the German concept of Pensionskasse, we generally recommend using the neologism below "pension scheme". Moreover, the English phrase pension fund is a more appropriate translation for another German pension vehicle known as "Pensiondsfonds", inasmuch as that vehicle enjoys that same flexible investment options that traditional pension funds in the Anglo-American have.

Definitions of pension fund


money and investments used to provide pensions for employees who no longer work at the company because they have reached the pension age (=the age when you can stop working and begin to receive regular sums of money from the state, a pension company, or an employer's pension fund)

He said the council's tobacco investment was less than 1% of its pension fund.