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temporary restraining order


Comparative law notes


A temporary restraining order is typically issued in circumstances where immediate action is called for. Courts often issue "TRO's" based on affidavits from a person whose interests are about to be harmed. For example, if people with chainsaws are about to cut down your trees, the court would be in a hurry to act, sometimes before giving the other side a chance to reply. A preliminary injunction, in contrast, is usually issued only after the other side has been given an opportunity to reply and be heard, and has either consented to maintain the status quo or not made a sufficient showing to defeat the plaintiff's claims. A permanent injunction is typically issued after a full trial of the merits, or on the consent or default of the other side.

Definitions of temporary restraining order


a court's short-term order preventing certain actions until a full hearing can be conducted

A Jefferson County man is filing for a temporary restraining order to stop the city of Beaumont from demolishing his home.


a temporary order granted by a court preventing one person from going near another particular person, group of people, or place

The musician has obtained a temporary restraining order against his neighbour, whom he considers a danger to himself and his family.