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state liability


Comparative law notes


In China, state liability is governed by the State Compensation Law (国家赔偿法). It provides financial compensation to victims, including both citizens and legal persons, when any state organ infringes their rights. Infringement includes unlawful detention or causing bodily injury or death.

Definitions of state liability


the financial compensation which a state must pay for wrongs committed by public bodies or public servants

Perhaps the most spectacular outcome of the Exxon Valdez spill was the House's shift to adopt the Senate's protection of state liability systems.


the situation where an EU member state (=any one of the 27 sovereign states that are part of the European Union) is required to pay compensation for a loss which results from the member state's failure to transpose (=to place something into a different setting) an EU directive into domestic law (=the law of the home country)

Enforcement of state liability for violations of rights granted to individuals by EU law is carried out through the national courts of the Member States.