There are multiple definitions - click on the translation that matches your context.






Comparative law notes


The term "appeal" is broader in meaning than "apelação". "Apelação" is one of the several types of appeals set out in the Brazilian Code of Civil Procedure. It is an appeal from a trial court's final judgment. Other types of appeal include "agravo de instrumento", "embargos de declaração", "recurso especial", "recurso extraordinário", etc. (section 994 of the Brazilian Code of Civil Procedure). Because the concept of "appeal" shares the same purpose as an "apelação" (i.e., a review by a higher court), using the term "appeal" as a translation of "apelação" is just fine.

Definitions of appeal


the action of asking a higher court to review and change the decision of a lower court; a review by a higher court of a decision made by a lower court

She lost both the case and the appeal. Her final route of appeal is before the Grand Chamber of the European Court.